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A parallel Car-Parrinello algorithm

Given the virtually unlimited need for computational resources required for studying large systems using ab-initio molecular dynamics, it is obvious that parallel supercomputers must be employed as vehicles for performing larger calculations. Parallel Car-Parrinello implementations were pioneered by Joannopoulos et al.[8] and Payne et al.[9], and by now several parallel codes are being used[10,11].

The parallelization approaches for the Car-Parrinello algorithm focus on the distribution of several types of data[10]: 1) the Fourier components making up the plane wave eigenstates of the system, and 2) the individual eigenstates (``bands'') for each k-point of the calculation. The first approach requires the availability of an efficiently parallelized 3D complex FFT, whereas the second one does the entire FFT in local memory, but needs to communicate for eigenvector orthogonalization.

The selfconsistent iterations require that a sum over the electronic states in the system's Brillouin-zone be carried out. For very large systems, and especially for semiconductors with fully occupied bands, it may be a good approximation to use only a single k-point (usually k = 0) in the Brillouin-zone, and this is done in several of the current implementations.

However, it is our goal to treat systems that consist only of a few dozen atoms, and which typically consist of transition metals with partially occupied d-electron states. This requires rather large plane wave basis sets, as well as a detailed integration over the k-points \ in the Brillouin-zone, in order to define reliably the band occupation numbers of states near the metal's Fermi surface. Hence we typically need to use about a dozen k-points .

With such a number of k-points , and given that many parallel supercomputers consist of relatively few processors with rather much memory (128 MB or more), it becomes attractive to pursue a parallelization strategy based upon farming out k-points to processors in the parallel supercomputer. Since traditional electronic structure algorithms have always contained a serial loop over k-points , each iteration being in principle independent of other iterations, this is a much simpler task than the other two approaches referred to above. This approach is not any better than the other approaches, except that it is well suited for the problems that we are studying, and it could eventually be combined with the other approaches in an ultimate parallel code.

The parallelization over k-points is in principle straightforward. If we for simplicity assume that our problem contains N k-points and we have N processors available to perform the task, each processor will contain only the wavefunctions (one vector of Fourier components for each of the bands) for its own single k-point . A very significant memory saving results from each processor only having to allocate memory for its own k-point 's wavefunctions (in general, -th of the k-points ). The wavefunction memory size is usually the limiting factor in Car-Parrinello calculations. A number of tasks are not inherently parallel: a) Input and output of wavefunctions and other data from a standard data file, b) accumulation of k-point -dependent quantities such as charge densities, eigenvalues, etc., c) the calculation of total energy and forces, and the update of atomic positions, and d) analysis of data depending only upon the charge density. These tasks should be done by a ``master'' task.

We have chosen to implement parallelization over k-points by modest modifications of our existing serial Fortran-77 code. Using conditional compilation, the code may be translated into a master task, a slave task, or simply a non-parallel task to be used on serial and vector machines. The master-slave communication is implemented by message-passing calls (send/receives and broadcasts).

The k-point parallelization is not as trivial as it might seem at first sight. Even though each iteration of the serial loop over k-points is algorithmically independent of other iterations, the wavefunction data actually depend crucially on the result of previous iterations, when the standard Car-Parrinello iterative update of wavefunctions takes place. When the k-points are updated in parallel with the same initial potential, one may experience slowly converging or even unstable calculations for systems with a significant density-of-states at the Fermi level.

One can understand this behavior by considering the screening effects that take place during an update of the electronic wavefunction: The electrons will tend to screen out any non-selfconsistency in the potential. When a standard algorithm loops serially through k-points , the first k-point will screen the potential as well as possible, the second one will screen the remainder, and so on, leading to an iterative improvement in the selfconsistency. However, when all k-points are calculated from the same initial potential and in parallel, they will all try to screen the same parts of the potential, leading to an over-screening that gets worse with increasing numbers of processors, possibly giving rise to an instability.

Obviously, some kind of ``damping'' of the over-screening is needed in order to achieve a stable algorithm. We have selected the following approach: Each k-point contains a number of electronic bands (eigenstates), which are updated band by band using the conjugate gradients method. The screening of the potential takes place through the Coulomb and LDA exchange-correlation potentials derived from the total charge density. We construct the total charge density and the screening potentials after the update of each band (performed for all k-points in parallel): When all processors have updated band no. 1, the charge density and potentials are updated before proceeding to band no. 2, etc. This damping turns out to very effectively stabilize the selfconsistency process, even for difficult systems such as Ni with many states near the Fermi level.

The algorithmic difference may be summarized by the following pseudo-code. The standard serial algorithm is:

  DO k-point = 1, No_of_points
    DO band = 1, No_of bands
      Update wavefunction(k-point,band)
      Calculate new charge density and screening potentials
    END DO
whereas our parallel algorithm is:
  DO band = 1, No_of bands
    DO (in parallel) k-point = 1, No_of_points
      Update wavefunction(k-point,band)
    END DO
    Calculate new charge density and screening potentials

It is understood that an outer loop controls the iterations towards a selfconsistent solution. The conjugate gradient algoritm actually requires the calculation of an intermediate ``trial'' step in the wavefunction update, so that the work inside the outer loop is actually twice that indicated in the pseudo-code. In addition, the subspace rotations (not shown here) also require updates of the charge density.

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Ole Holm Nielsen
Thu Aug 24 12:01:50 MET DST 1995