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Results on IBM SP2

The parallel algorithm described above is implemented in our code using the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) message-passing library, specifically the IBM PVMe implementation on the IBM SP2. At the time this work was carried out, PVMe was the most efficient message-passing library available from IBM, but we envisage other libraries to be substituted easily for PVM with time, or when porting to other parallel supercomputers such as the Fujitsu VPP-500.

In order to show the performance of the k-point -parallel algorithm, we choose a problem similar to a typical production problem of current interest to us. We perform fully selfconsistent calculations of a slab of a NiAl crystal with a (110) surface and a vacuum region, with 4 atoms in the unit cell. The plane wave energy cutoff was 50 Ry. We choose a Brillouin-zone integration with k-points so that an even distribution of k-points over processors means that the job can be run on and 24 processors, respectively. At each k-point electronic bands were calculated, and the charge density array had a size of (16,24,96), or Mbytes. Only a single conjugate gradient step () is used. The starting point was chosen to be a selfconsistent NiAl system, where one of the Al atoms was subsequently moved so that a new selfconsistent solution must be found.

In our parallel algorithm, after each band has been updated by the slaves, the charge density array needs to be summed up from slaves to the master task, and subsequently broadcast to all slaves. Since the charge density array is typically 0.5 to 5 Mbytes to be communicated in a single message, our algorithm requires the parallel computer to have a high communication bandwidth and preferably support for global sum operations. Communications latency is unimportant, at the level provided on the IBM SP2.

Using the IBM PVMe optimized PVM version 3.2 library, a few minor differences between PVMe and PVM 3.3 are easily coded around. Unfortunately, the present PVMe release (1.3.1) lacks some crucial functions of PVM 3.3: The pvm_psend pack-and-send optimization, and the pvm_reduce group reduction operation, which could be implemented as a binary tree operation similar to the reduction operations available on the Connection Machines. Both would be very important for optimizing the accumulation of the charge density array from all slave tasks onto the master task; fortunately, they are included in a forthcoming release of PVMe.

The estimated number of bytes exchanged between the master and all of the slaves per iteration is , or Mbytes total for the present problem, ignoring the communication of smaller data arrays. Since the IBM PVMe library doesn't implement reduction operations, the charge density has to be accumulated sequentially from the slaves. IBM doesn't document whether the PVMe broadcast operation is done sequentially or using a binary tree, so we assume that the data is sent sequentially to each of the slaves. If we take the maximum communication bandwidth of an SP2 node with TB2 adapters to be B = 35 Mbytes/sec, we have an estimate of the communication time as seconds per iteration.

The runs were done at the UNIC 40--node SP2, where for practical reasons we limited ourselves to up to 12 processors. The timings for a single selfconsistent iteration over all k-points is shown in Table 1, including the speedup relative to a single processor with no message-passing. Since the number of subspace rotations[7] varies depending on the wavefunction data, the calculation of k-points may take different amounts of time so that some processors will finish before others. The resulting load-imbalance is typically of the order of 10%. We show the average iteration timings in the table.

Table 1. Time for a single selfconsistent iteration, and the speedup as a function of the number of processors.

The speedup data is displayed in Fig. 1 together with the ``ideal'' speedup assuming an infinitely fast communication subsystem. More realistically, we include the above estimate of the communication time in the parallel speedup for the two cases of B = 20 and B = 35 Mbytes/sec, respectively. We see that the general shape of the theoretical estimates agree well with the measured speedups, and that a value of the order of B = 20 Mbytes/sec for the IBM SP2 communication bandwidth seems to fit our data well. This agrees well with other measurements[12] of the IBM SP2's performance using PVMe.

From the above discussion it is evident that any algorithmic changes which would reduce the number of times that the charge density needs to be communicated, while maintaining a stable algorithm, would be most useful. We intend to pursue such a line of investigation. Better message passing performance could be achieved by optimizing carefully the operations that are used to communicate, mainly, the electronic charge density. Efficient binary tree implementations of the global summation as well as the broadcast of the charge density should be made available in the message passing library, or could be hand-coded into our application if unavailable in the library.

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Ole Holm Nielsen
Thu Aug 24 12:01:50 MET DST 1995